Timothy Harris Timothy Harris

Anticipatory Grief

Anticipatory grief can be challenging to navigate, as it involves processing the impending loss of a loved one. It's normal to experience a range of emotions during this time, from sadness and anxiety to anger and guilt. While it can be emotionally draining, anticipatory grief can also provide an opportunity for healing and growth. By acknowledging your feelings and seeking support from others, you can work through your emotions and find ways to cope with the impending loss. Remember that everyone processes their emotions differently, and there's no "right" way to experience anticipatory grief. With time, patience, and support, you can navigate your way through this difficult time and honor your loved one's memory while still moving forward with your own life.

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childloss Timothy Harris childloss Timothy Harris

Making Peace With Grief- Sue

I feel like I am progressing in my grief journey. Although progressing doesn’t seem like the right word, it is the most accurate that I have found.  My grief is not as raw as it was at the beginning, and I don't cry as often as I once did. But it still feels like an open wound that will never heal.

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